Eating Well Later In Life: The Best Diet For Over 50s

As we age, our bodies go through several changes, including menopause, greying hair and reduced skin elasticity. However, these can all be supported by following a balanced nutritious diet. The key thing is knowing what to eat, as well as when and how often. Your diet in your 50s and 60s is very different to…

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Diet Vs Exercise: How to maintain weight after surgery

By Consultant Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon, Oliver Harley Being a healthy weight is the best way to feel and look your best and, if you are considering surgery it can contribute to the safety and the success of your operation.  It is a really difficult challenge to lose those pounds with such a baffling array…

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The mummy guide to surgery post childbirth

Women’s bodies tell remarkable stories – pregnancy and childbirth are an exciting time and one of the greatest moments in anyone’s life. A new child can be both exhilarating and exhausting with little time for anything else. The focus of one’s life changes and it can take a long time for a mother to get…

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